DOpus (26/96)

From:Roy Bartsch
Date:6 May 2001 at 19:53:24
Subject:[D5] Re: appicons

On Sonntag, 06-Mai-01 wrote
about [D5] Re: appicons :

KB >

Hello Kolbjørn,

thx, I get them :-)
I`ve installed all, but same result.
It seems 3.5 has problems with newicons. I`ve converted the icons to 3.5
style and it worx :-)

LIVE LONG, AND PROSPER ___....-----'---`-----....___
Roy Bartsch (___) _|_|_|_ (___) \\____.-'_.---._`-.____//
PGP 5 key available on request ~~~~`.__`---'__.'~~~~

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